Thursday, October 21, 2010

default gcc

irst, let us go to the right directory

> cd /usr/bin

Let us check the default gcc version

> gcc --v

It should say 3.3.5

Now let us delete the old symbolic links

> sudo rm cpp gcc g++

Now let us change the symbolic links to 3.4

> sudo ln -s g++-3.4 g++
> sudo ln -s gcc-3.4 gcc
> sudo ln -s cpp-3.4 cpp

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Yast auto-exiting


There's an even more beautiful feature, though I don't know if it's already in 11.1:
In Yast go to System - /etc/sysconfig editor
Search for "PKGMGR", if PKGMGR_ACTION_ON_EXIT is found you can change it's value to "summary" (without the quotes). The software installer will not only give you a "Back" and a "Finish" button, it will also give you a summary of your latest actions.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Problems with DNS

I had a terrible problems with setting a DNS on OpenSuse. Eventually I solve the problem.

I tried to modify /etc/resolve.conf (doesn't matter)

Eventually, what worked:
yast -> network settings

Tab: global options: seletected: user controlled with networkedmanager
checked enabled ipv6
tab: hostname/DNS was the key
hostname: sartorius
domain name: site

the key think was that I checked assigned hostname to loopback Ip

and then it worked. I wasted almost 2 hours to figure it out. I knew that other protocols worked e.g. Skype. I could ping ip, I could not ping names.
But that was a nightmare

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The era of OpenSuse 11.3

  1. Problems with wireless, eventually overcome but actually I do not know how.
  2. The legacy grub is installed originally.