Saturday, February 7, 2009

Grouping contacts with skype 2.0

For impatient:
  1. go to .Skype/xmaggx/config.xml
  2. Add to this file:
  3. ......

< UI >
< Surprise >
< QuickGroups >1< /QuickGroups >
< /Surprise >
< View >
< HideOfflineContacts >1< /HideOfflineContacts >
< /View >
< /UI >
< /config >

5. Hiding contacts unavailable - switching Ctrl + U


Magda said...

doesn't work on skype 2.1 Beta, opensuse 11.3. I modify the config.xml by adding those lines, next I run Skype and my lines are wiped out from the config.xml.

Magda said...

actually, it works